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Here is your worship bulletin, weekly newsletter and calendar for the week of May 5, 2024.

I Chose You!

Our passage for this Sunday comes from the Gospel According to John, chapter 15, verses 9–17.  It begins like this: “As the Father (Mother, Holy One) has loved me, so I have loved you…”  Love may be a many splendored thing, but it certainly isn’t an easy thing.  What does it mean to love one another as God loves?  This Sunday I’ll be sharing  my experience of the Freedom Rising Conference with the congregation.  There were many opportunities during the conference to worship, pray and think together about what it means to take very seriously this “new” commandment given in John to love one another.

The Anti-Poverty Work Group of the First Congregational Church of Camden, UCC Will host guest speaker the Rev. Jodi Hayashida. SAVE THE DATES!

On May 6th and May 14th, the Anti-Poverty Work Group of FCC will host guest speaker the Rev. Jodi Hayashida, a UU minister who is both a founding organizer of the Maine affiliate of the Poor People’s Campaign, and the person within the Maine People’s Alliance responsible for helping faith communities work together on social justice efforts. Jodi will be facilitating a discussion of how to apply theory to action. This will be especially helpful to those who spent six weeks together reading the book Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond, however everyone is welcome to attend and learn more about what it means to be an advocate with and for those living in or near the poverty line.  Jodi will talk about how we build power as a community and how we then use it for the greater good.  At the heart of her talk will be a consideration of what political advocacy education looks like.  So, save the dates of May 6th and May 14th from 6pm to 7:30pm.  We will meet in person in the Pilgrim Room.


Outdoor Mindful Meditation with Ute begins next week from 8 am–8:45 am. Bring a chair on Thursday, May 8 to Laite Beach in Camden.