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Here is your worship bulletin, weekly newsletter and calendar for the week of April 28, 2024.

Tangled Up in God

In our Gospel passage from John, we hear Jesus describe himself as the vine and those who follow him as the branches which are given the potential to yield fruit. We may also experience pruning either to let go of what is no longer infused with life or to enable new growth. How might these metaphors inform our communal and individual lives?

Please join us for our worship on Sunday as we explore these and other questions. Our Sanctuary Choir will sing a beautiful anthem on the vine and branches theme as well. We are thankful to Elizabeth Lally for providing the children’s message. Rev. Patty is in New York City to attend a Justice and Advocacy training conference.

As a reminder, we will hold a special congregational meeting after the worship service. The Call to the Meeting is contained in your bulletin which you can download below. Note that those on Zoom can stay on Zoom to continue to the congregational meeting.

With great hope,