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Here is your worship bulletin, weekly newsletter and calendar for the week of April 14, 2024.

Relationship at the Heart of All That Is—An Early Earth Day Celebration

Join us for an early celebration of Earth Day this year. We will hear a wisdom passage from the 12th Century German mystic Hildegard of Bingen. We will also engage the familiar text from John 1:1-4. Here, Christ is referred to as the Logos who is not only present from before the beginning of time but is also described as a creative force—merging matter and spirit—which holds all things together in relationship even now. What if relationality is the very essence of how God manifests in our world in and through us and other creative beings today? What are the implications of this for own lives and our shared existence on this precious planet?

Elizabeth will offer a children’s talk around awe and wonder. And we are excited that Rev. Ben Perry will be playing his guitar and singing a solo for us: Like a Songbird that has Fallen by Reeltime Travelers.

Rev. Patty Fox sends her greetings. She and her wife are enjoying some vacation days together. She will be back in the office on Tuesday.

I hope you saw the separate invite to the service for Beryl Charlton tomorrow at 11:00 am which was sent out earlier today.

Next week, please look out for our mid-month newsletter up-date. You will also receive a separate email for our special congregational meeting on April 28 after church to slightly amend the ONA statement, adopt our Core Values statement, adopt our Right Relationship Covenant, and make some administrative changes to the budget (no increase). All pertinent documents will be included in your email.

For now, I hope you are staying dry, warm, and enfolded in the care and love of our living God.

With great hope,